Saturday, June 25, 2011

Cain Demonstrates the Importance of Respecting All Candidates Running for Office

Mayoral Candidate, Ann Mahoney, Ward 3 Candidate John Cain

Ward 3 City Council Candidate John Cain expressed his appreciation to the Mayoral Candidate, Ann Mahoney, for the complimentary invitation to her fund raising kick-off, recently held.

Cain believes that both candidates have voters in Ward 3. So it is important that the City Councillor is sensitive to all interest. Cain has met with, and listened to the concerns, issues and desires of the residents of Ward 3. Some support the incumbent, while others support the opponent.

Cain offers an openness to both, to ensure a positive relationship, when he is elected the new Ward 3 City Councillor.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Ian Cain
Liam Cain
We would like to ask for your vote on Tuesday, November 8th, 2011, for our Dad, John C. Cain, Jr., who is running for the City Council seat in Ward 3.

We would also like to ask for your assistance and support by communicating with your family, friends and neighbors that might live in Ward 3, and to ask them vote for my Father. A list of the streets & street numbers, and precincts in ward 3 are attached, and also available on the internet at:

He clearly cares, and is passionate about our neighborhood. His blog and website describes some of the issues that he cares about. He is open to hear about your concerns, and will respond immediately with the status, progress or solution the subject brought to his attention.

For those that need to register to vote, the following website address will allow them to request a form to be mailed home:

If you plan to be away at school or a trip, we really need your vote, for Dad to win. You can send us an email at:, and we will make sure you receive the absentee ballot request form. These forms are also available at the Clerks Office, in Quincy City Hall. For more detailed information, you can go directly to the website:

Thank you for considering Dad.  You Can Count On Cain!

Ian C. Cain –
Erin K. Cain –
Liam P. Cain –

192 South Central Avenue
Quincy, MA 02170

Sunday, June 19, 2011

How to Request Constituent Services - Request Form

Through the City of Quincy's website, a request form is available to residents with a service need. The attached web address will direct you to a Constituent Form, that should be filled in and submitted.

I would encourage you to fill out the form even if you make the phone call.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Flooding Continues at Belmont and Brook-Ward 3 Precinct 2

It was a pleasure to stop in and see my old friends and neighbors. We were happy to realize that life has been good to us. Harriet Fraser reminded me that flooding on the corner of Belmont and Brook, continued to plague the neighborhood.
I told her that I intend to find out the current status of any plans to resolve the problem.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fran Conklin of Hillside Avenue Would Like To See A Consistent Water Bill

Fran Conklin was working on her garden when I stopped by to introduce myself to her. She was quite welcoming, and shared a very positive view of Quincy.
Fran would clearly like to receive consistent and more accurate water meter readings

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Noreen and Bruce Adukonis Beautifying Their Property on South Central Avenue-Ward 3 Precinct 2

Long-time residents and personal friends, Noreen an Bruce Adukonis were out for their seasonal lawn and flower preparations for another successful year.
Noreen, an outstanding special needs Teacher, and Bruce an Executive in the fields of energy, pharmaceutical, and chemical plant/product design, development and upgrades, offer valuable contributions of knowledge & experience to our community.    

Visits to the Home of Catherine and Bruce Wood on Highland-Ward 3 Precinct 2

While traveling through Highland Avenue, on two occasions I met and had chats with Mrs. Catherine Wood, and Mr. Bruce Wood. It was a pleasure to see them and listen. As a successful Quincy businessman, Bruce was sharing some of the challenges before him to run a business in todays economy.

As a Executive Member of the Quincy Chamber of Commerce and one of  its founders, he also played a contributing role in Quincy 2000. I am seeking input from Bruce and other Ward 3 residents and business owwners concerning their thoughts on the Streetworks Development Plan.

A Visit to the Tabeek's on Sherman Street-Ward 3 Precinct

As I approached the lovely white fence, I observed a beautiful lawn and flowers. Looking further around the side of the house, I saw and met Mrs. Michelle Tabeek, working  very hard on the yard.

While talking and listening, I also met her husband, Michael, and their daughter.
It was nice to hear that they are enjoying Quincy.

Joe McAteer on Sherman Street enjoys Quincy-Ward 3 Precinct 4

While walking through Sherman Street, I came upon Joe McAteet working in his yard. Joe remembered me from 7 years ago. I appreciated that. So we talked about Quincy, the neighborhood and how he felt about the neighborhood.
As a good listener I was pleased to hear him reflect on how happy he is living in Quincy.

Meeting and Listening to Sandy and Steve Verhault-Ward 3 Precinct 5

While walking on Elmwood Avenue, I was fortunate to run into Sandy Verhault, just parking her car at her house on Highland and Elmwood Avenue. Of course, it was a pleasure to see Sandy.
, and meet the neighbor.

She invited in to rest my bones and have a refreshment. This gave me the opportunity to see her husband Steve, who I haven't seen for some time. I also got a chance to see their kids, who are now young adults.

While listening to Sandy and Steve share their ideas, views, concerns and plans, I realized the importance Ward 3 residents to elect a city councillor that is passionate about their interests. I also realize that I am the candidate who will represent them effectively and efficiently.

A Hillside Resident Wants to See Beale Street Sidewalks Cleaned-Ward 3 Precinct 4

Hillsie Avenue resident Carlos Ashmanskas would like to see a more efficient method of keeping the sidewalks on Beale Street cleaner. Carlos walks to the Wollaston MBTA station from and to his home, using Beale Street. He enjoys the beauty of our city, and would like to see it kept cleaner. 

Witnessing the Mis-use of Shopping Carts-Ward 3 Precinct 2

While sitting on a residents porch listening and taking notes of there concerns, 3 young boys came down the middle of Elmwood Strret in a shopping cart. This was one of the concerns expressed by the resident.
Efforts have been initiated in the past. Something must be done to assure residents that this issue is resolved. Shopping carts should not be removed from the parking lot and property of a store. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Herns are New Grandparents-Ward 3

Baby Joseph "Louie " Ito Hern

Baby Joseph "Louie" Ito Hern 
New Father-Joe Hern

New Grandmother-Mrs. Deborah Hern
New Grandfather-Joe Hern

Aunt-Laura Hern

Great Granmother- Mrs. Hern

Great Grandpa Joseph Hern

It was a pleasant Sunday when I recently stopped in on the Hern Family on Beale Street. My friend and neighbor, Joseph Hern, an Attorney, and his lovely wife Deborah, were celebrating the arrival from Japan of  Son, Joseph, Jr., his wife, Misa, and the new baby, Joseph "Louie" Ito Hern.
Both of Joe Senior's parents were attending the glorious event, welcoming a new great grand child.   

It was also a pleasure to see their daughter, Laura, now a fashion designer in New York, home to meet her nephew.
It was a personal joy witnessing the transition of life, moving forward.

The Reales on Hillside Avenue Favor Accurate Real Estate Assessments-Ward 3 Precinct 2

The Reales love living in Wollaston, having moved here from Dorchester. They would like to see more accurate real estate assessments. The house next door is identical, and has a driveway. The Reale's home does not. the real estate assessment  on the house next door is assessed much lower.


2-Year Old Request for a Dead Tree Removal-Ward 3 Precinct 2

Residents have chosen to remain anonymous concerning a 2-year old request to have the city remove a dead tree located at the cornr of Highland and Lincoln Avenue.
I believe the residents would be patient and comfortable if scheduling of tree removal was displayed to the public.
Other residents on South Central Avenue are frustrated at the lack of accurate & candid information concerning realistic status.

A 5th Generation Family Living on Elmwood Avenue-Ward 3 Precinct 2

The Emerson Family feel like the neighborhood is being taken over in a negative way. They  are so unconfortable that relocation is a strong consideration.
They would like to look for positive strategies to protect the rights of the homeowners that care about their community.

Esther Tempesta of Elmwood Avenue; Ward 3 Precinct 2

Esther is a life-long resident of Quincy. She is concerned about houses on her street that are zoned as 2-family, but house 17 to 17 people.
She would like to see a standardized method of monitoring and controlling the housing problem.

She is also concerned about consistent and reasonable healthcare coverage.