Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Candidate's Campaign Kick-off & Fund Raiser Successfully Supported

Ward 3 City Council Candidate, John Cain, Mayoral Candidate, Anne Mahoney, and Mike Healy

Ward 3 City Council Candidate, John Cain, officially kicked-off his campaign on Saturday, August 13th, 2011, at the Furnace Brook Golf Club. The candidate was very pleased with the showing of residents, supporting his candidacy. The evening was enhanced by the very smooth sounding Carl Eisman Trio. Mayorial Candidate, Anne Mahoney, stopped by to say hello. "Mrs. Mahoney was very pleasant, and candid," said Cain. I have the most admiration for candidates running for office, that pays their respect to all candidates. "I like the idea of both sides being civil to each other," said Cain. After the election is over, the residents of both sides have to live together in harmony, and support the winner.
Ward 3 Quincy residents also had the opportunity to ask the candidate candid questions. "Mrs. Mahoney took the time to talk to all that introduced themselves to her," said Cain. "I would afforded the same opportunity to Mayor Koch, if he stopped in," said Cain.
Quincy School Committee Candidates, Kathryn Hubley and Linda Perry also came by, and also had the opportunity to meet with and talk to Ward 3 residents.
I look forward following up on residents that were not able to make it. I will continue to go door-to-door. If I miss you, I will leave a note on my flyer for you. Residents are quite pleased to see some new blood, after having an incumbent in the same position for 10 years. I assure them and you that I agree with the idea of term limits. I plan to issue a position statement about the need new ideas.

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