Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dan Futrell's says, "Rick Perry doesn't speak for the Military"

Dan is a good friend of my Son, Ian. He served as a Captain in the military, and fought to protect our rights. His article was recently picked up by Politico.

Rick Perry doesn’t speak for all military

Not every American can, or should, serve in our military, the author writes. | Texas Gov. Office/AP Photo Close
By DAN FUTRELL | 8/25/11 4:30 AM EDT

Texas Gov. Rick Perry recently asserted in Iowa that one reason he entered the GOP presidential race is to “make sure that every young man and woman who puts on the uniform of the United States respects highly the president of the United States.” He was clearly implying that our current commander in chief does not have, or deserve, this respect from our active duty, reserve and veteran military community.

As a veteran of two Iraq tours of duty, I was stunned to hear Perry – the latest GOP candidate claiming to speak on my behalf – say that the military does not respect President Barack Obama because he had never served in the military. He is mistaken.

Aside from a professional respect due to the office of the president, no matter who holds it, what Perry fails to recognize is that military service is not the only national service that matters.

I did not lead a platoon in Baghdad just so the United States could continue to have a military. The U.S. military does not exist for its own sake. It exists to protect and promote American interests and values — one of many tools used to do so. For there are many ways that Americans can serve their country.

Our country now has roughly 12 million teachers and education administrators; 17 million health care and social workers, and another 18 million federal, state and local government employees, according to 2010 Census data,. That’s 37 million Americans – more than 10 percent of our population — who went to work this morning in service to America.

Though they may not necessarily risk physical harm, their service is essential to a prosperous and healthy America. I would hope that a man seeking the presidency understood that our military does its job so that U.S. educators, nurses, social workers and other public servants can do theirs.

Most of what we’ve now heard from the Perry campaign has to do with American values. I would like to ask Perry how strength, character and altruism are missing in the day-to-day work of a community organizer in Chicago.

Please explain to me how a fourth-grade science teacher is less patriotic than a drill sergeant in Killeen, Texas. Or how a social worker who helps single mothers in East Los Angeles is less patriotic than a convoy driver in Baghdad. Please explain how a fire fighter in Boston is less qualified for political office only because she has not volunteered for military duty.

Service to our country comes in many forms. It is not exclusive to taking up arms in its defense. Military service, while a beneficial foundation of growth and leadership for many — including myself – is not a prerequisite for political office.

Not every American can, or should, serve in our military. The make-up of our political leadership should reflect the make-up of our people across the spectrum of service, leadership and experience.

I am fiercely proud of my military service. But it would be short-sighted and damaging to promote the idea that it must be a prerequisite for national leadership. Doing so overlooks the inherent strength of America – the character of its people.

I ask that Perry please not try to speak for me anymore. I fought for the right to express my own opinions.

Dan Futrell, a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, served 27 months in Baghdad and is a two-time recipient of the Bronze Star Medal. He is now completing his public policy masters at the Harvard Kennedy School and is a fellow with the Truman National Security Project.

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